
Attorney, Founder of AWB Firm

What other organizations are you involved in?

Junior League of Chattanooga

What does leadership mean to you?  

Leadership is lifting others up – providing the support, tools, and guidance they need to succeed.

What advice do you have for women aspiring to be leaders in their field?

Put yourself in the room with other leaders and observe how they lead – not just in a professional setting, but if you volunteer with a nonprofit, school or church group, you’ll start to find leaders are all around you. What seems effective or ineffective? What resonates with you? How does their team respond to their leadership? Then start raising your hand for leadership opportunities – again, not just at work, but anywhere you spend time. Finding your own leadership style can be trial and error. The best way to start building your leadership skills is to practice.

Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Why and how did this person impact your life?

I am grateful to be surrounded by wise, experienced leaders who have been generous to me with their time and guidance.

Marj Flemming was a tremendous help during my year as CWLI Board Chair – she never told me what to do, but asked thoughtful questions and was a sounding board when I had ideas but wasn’t sure which path to take.

Stefanie Crowe talked me off the ledge during a few challenging times, and shared how she had handled similar issues when she was Board Chair.

My first mentor was also my first boss out of law school – Judge Curtis Collier. He has a tremendous (some would say intimidating) presence, but his secret weapon is to ask a question and then be quiet, letting the other person think it through and figure out the answer for themselves. I’m still working on this skill!

What has been your proudest moment in your career?

This February we held a team retreat for our firm, we are a virtual team so everyone came to Chattanooga. Spending time with 8 incredibly smart women who all bring their own talents and drive to our work supporting female entrepreneurs was inspiring and encouraging.

What steps do you think members can take to make more of a difference in women’s leadership issues in the local community?

Get involved with something you’re passionate about. The more women are at the table, no matter what or where the table is, the more of an impact we will have. When women are in “the rooms where it happens,” organizations make different decisions. You get policies that benefit not just women, children, and families, but that improve quality of life for everyone.

How do you like to spend your free time?

Spending time with friends, taking a walk or working in my flowerbeds with my family, enjoying a glass of champagne, and reading a page-turner.

What have you gained most from your CWLI membership?

As difficult as it can be to lead an organization through a transition, I have definitely gained new leadership skills that will serve me well for many years to come. I have also made deep friendships that started off as professional connections and now I know I can call any time and they will always offer a helping hand.

Autumn’s full bio:

Autumn Witt Boyd is a lawyer who helps million dollar coaches and online business owners build sustainable, profitable companies. She provides sophisticated legal guidance with copyright and trademark protection, contracts, team building, and problem solving. Along with her team at The AWB Firm, she loves helping online educators (courses, memberships, and digital products) grow their dream business with approachable advice and the right legal protections at the right time.  The AWB Firm also offers customizable contract templates that are quick and easy to complete, and cost a fraction of working one-on-one with a lawyer.

You can find Autumn in Chattanooga, Tennessee hanging out with her three kids and husband, reading a good book, or sipping a glass of champagne after bedtime.