
Commercial Banker with FirstBank

What other organizations are you involved in?

Better Business Bureau: Board Member

Chattanooga Chamber Downtown Council: Secretary

Class of 2023 Leadership Chattanooga

What does leadership mean to you?  

Paying it forward, leading by example, and consistent follow-up with clients, prospects, referral sources, and friends.

What advice do you have for women aspiring to be leaders in their field?

Do the right things, ALWAYS. What you put out into the universe will always follow you tenfold. Be kind and considerate of others. Keep an open mind.

Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Why and how did this person impact your life?

My father-taught me to never refuse a reasonable request. My mother taught me to always give a compliment when it’s due (you never know who’s day you’re going to make).  Marcus McKamey taught me to always be your authentic self (this is how you will connect).  Amy Hannah, a college friend, taught me to be brave and kind and the universe will deliver.

What has been your proudest moment in your career?

Hard to say. I suppose that one of the things I love about my job is the relationship that I’ve developed with my clients over time. Doing my best to be ‘Johnny on the Spot’, but also relying on others in my field to assist me in doing so. Being teachable and open minded. Being brave enough to admit when I’m wrong and simply apologize and open to learning new things.

What steps do you think members can take to make more of a difference in women’s leadership issues in the local community?

Be your authentic self. People connect with you so much more when you do so.

How do you like to spend your free time?

Spending time with my husband and girls, riding my bike, hiking, paddleboarding. Making a point to do my best to participate in activities the feed my soul.

What have you gained most from your CWLI membership?

Working with other ladies in the community, serving as a mentor when I’m able, but also learning that it’s ok to make mistakes. I’ve met so many great women in the Chattanooga community!