
Owner and Director

College/University attended?

Lee University

Tell us about yourself:
Nearly 13 years ago, I began working as a cognitive skills trainer at the first Cognitive Training Center in Chattanooga, LearningRx. After witnessing the life-changing benefits of brain training, and continuing my education, while working with hundreds of students along the way, I fully purchased the LearningRx franchise in 2022. I am now continuing my mission, as a Board Certified Cognitive Specialist, to help students and adults reach their full cognitive potential by increasing their brain’s efficiency in memory, attention, and processing skills that address the root issues of learning difficulties such as ADHD and Dyslexia.

What does leadership mean to you?  

Leadership skills are constantly being developed in all facets of life. As a small business owner, leadership skills are vital for growth as you develop the ability to fully empower the team. As a wife and mother, leadership skills enable me to teach and mentor my children, while enabling room for autonomous growth and development. As a community member, leadership skills offer the perspective of a ‘whole’, allowing for local contribution to the betterment of the city. Each aspect is important for growth as an individual, and allows for high tides to rise all ships.

What advice do you have for women aspiring to be leaders in their field?

I would encourage all women to develop relationships with mentors, friends, and colleagues across different backgrounds and professions. The brain trust of our fellow women in leadership can offer a vast expanse of knowledge and experience. I also recommending reading leadership and personal growth and development books.

Can you name a person who has had a tremendous impact on you as a leader? Why and how did this person impact your life?

Donesa Walker, M.Ed is an expert in Dyslexia and learning difficulties. She has contributed to the growth and development of new research into the benefits and effects of cognitive training, and continues to carry out her life’s mission of helping struggling readers and learners. For nearly 10 years of working with her, I have watched Donesa mentor new members of our field, volunteer for countless hours of professional development, and live a life that absolutely breathes her passion. This has been an inspiration for me as I have grown and developed my passion and business/leadership skills over the years. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to learn from her!

What has been your proudest moment in your career?

My proudest moment was when I was finally able to purchase the Center that I had spent 12 years growing and developing. My pride for the students I work with is endless, and I absolutely LOVE what I do, so fully living my mission is incredibly fulfilling.

What steps do you think members can take to make more of a difference in women’s leadership issues in the local community?

Many local non-profit organizations need volunteers to lead and develop community programs. It is also important, when you share passion with others, to volunteer time to help steer the organization by serving as a Board Member.

How do you like to spend your free time?

In my free time, my first priority is spending time with my daughters, ages 6 and 11. We have a very tight family unit, and make time for daily walks and dinner together every evening. I also enjoy reading, watching live music, being outside and enveloped by nature, and playing volleyball when I can. But mostly, I am working to check something off my endless to-do list!

What have you gained most from your CWLI membership?

After years of considering membership, and talking with other highly-respected women/members, I finally decided to join in January! I am looking forward to being involved with CWLI membership and programming.

Anything else you’d like to share?

Congratulations to Meghan Greene, my 2022 Leadership Chattanooga classmate (best class ever)!