Director’s Report: A Hospital Called Riverbend

When I was growing up, we used to always refer to church as a “hospital for sinners”. If you were raised in the south, you, no doubt, have heard this metaphor used as well. Sitting in that pew, faced with the gravity of my unworthiness, I could rely on the fact that I...

Director’s Report: But We Aren’t Recovered Yet

Wow. It’s been a pretty crazy two weeks since my last Director’s Report. I won’t go into lengthy details but let’s just say the words of a friend of mine have been ringing in my ears ever since she spoke them a few days ago. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been...

Director’s Report: Restarting Your Year in Spring

Look around and take it all in…trees are blossoming and bursting with greenery, bees are buzzing around all the wildflowers, streams are full of winter runoff. In short, the promise of life and hope for growth is in full view everywhere you look. We’re a month into...